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The Norrbotten region is one of Sweden’s northernmost provinces, where its natural resources have played a key role in the industrialization of the country. 

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Approximately two-thirds of Sweden’s exported raw materials are sourced in Norrbotten, including iron ore which has been mined in the region at an industrial scale since the end of the 19th century.  

With the support of the Just Transition Fund, the steel industry is converting to carbon neutrality in Norrbotten. Similarly, regarding transitions in the DUST project, least engaged communities to involve include the Sámi community, young boys and men, youth activists and organisations, rural communities, and employees in the welfare sector and energy-intensive industries.  

Norrbotten is currently the biggest producer of iron ore in Europe, accounting for approximately 90 % of the total European output. Nevertheless, amongst other groups, indigenous Sámi communities who have resided in the regions for centuries, such Sámi artist Britta Marakatt-Labba have noted increased instances of land exploitation. 

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